
Law Brazil Events

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Musical Events and Chronicles

On this page, the Portal Direito Brasil presents the musical work developed by Professor Maria Bernadete Miranda, who in her free time dedicates her time to her other great passion, music.

He began his piano studies as a child, but throughout his life his hobby was interrupted for more than 40 (forty) years, returning again in 2012.

In addition to the musical work, this page features Chronicles by Professor Maria Bernadete Miranda and Guests.

If you wish to become a contributor to the “Musical Events and Chronicles” page, please contact us via email:

“Music is heavenly, divine in nature and of such beauty that it enchants the soul and raises it above its condition..."


Brazilian Law Chronicles

In addition to the musical work, this page features Chronicles written by Professor Maria Bernadete Miranda and guests.

In the end, "Reading provides the mind with materials for knowledge, as well as being an inexhaustible source of pleasure... However, only thinking makes what we read our own." Think about it...

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