Core Courses
Legal Studies
Nesta página o Portal Direito Brasil apresenta Cursos EAD publicados pela Professora Maria Bernadete Miranda, contendo descrição resumida de cada módulo.
“Não devemos de forma alguma preocupar-nos com o que diz a maioria, mas apenas com a opinião dos que têm conhecimento do justo e
do injusto, e com a própria verdade...”
Collective Enterprises Course
The objective of the course will be to present, in a didactic way, collective enterprises that have stood out as a means capable of making companies more competitive, using strategies with new possibilities for acting in the market, such as: strengthening purchasing power, sharing resources, combining skills, dividing the burden of carrying out technological research, sharing risks and costs to explore new opportunities, offering products with superior and diversified quality, etc.
Among collective enterprises there are several types, including: Business Consortiums, Special Purpose Companies, Joint Ventures, Group of Companies, among others.
Professor Maria Bernadete Miranda
Collective Enterprises Course
The objective of the course will be to present, in a didactic manner, collective enterprises that have stood out as a means capable of making companies more competitive, using strategies with new possibilities for operating in the market, such as: strengthening purchasing power, sharing resources, combining skills, dividing the burden of carrying out technological research, sharing risks and costs to explore new opportunities, offering products with superior and diversified quality, etc.
Among collective enterprises there are several modalities, the highlights being: Business Consortiums, Special Purpose Companies, Joint Ventures, Group of Companies, among others.
Teacher Maria Bernadete Miranda