
Center for Legal Studies

Welcome to the Brazilian Law Portal

“Teu dever é lutar pelo Direito, mas se um dia encontrares o Direito

em conflito com a Justiça, luta pela Justiça...”

                                                                                             Eduardo Juan Couture

Portal Presentation

Blessed is he who sows books...
Books...books by the handful,
And tells the people to think.
The books, falling into the soul,
It is the germ that makes the palm,
It's rain that makes the sea.
Castro Alves

In the words of the poet Castro Alves, blessed is he who writes and makes the reader think.
In the gospel parable, the word is the sower's wheat.
The seed planted in 2000, at the beginning of this Portal Direito Brasil, developed with the purpose of disseminating teaching material for law students, especially Business Law, matured and began to bear fruit with the numerous national and international visits of students, professors and professionals in the area.
First of all, I must thank and invoke the Supreme protection for being able to develop the material for this portal, because perhaps at no time, as today, has the study and practice of law been so identified with the defense of civilization and human values.
The task of the jurist is to ensure that each man receives the respect he is due, to give each person what is his, thus defending the fundamental reality that is the source of all sources of law: the human person.
The ancients used to say: Habent sua fata libelli, books have their own destiny. They were right, because the destiny of books is linked to the destiny of readers.
The objective of this Portal Direito Brasil was simply to sow “writings” with the intention of improving the culture of a people, remembering that: Verba volant, scripta manent, words fly, writings remain.
Remembering that “books don’t change the world, people change the world. Books only change people.”
Because “... there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes I, 9) and every construction is, in truth, a reconstruction; and because I learned that “persistence is the path to success”... (Charles Chaplin), I dedicated part of my time to research for the creation of this Home-Page.
The Direito Brasil Portal presents diverse teaching material, containing articles, books, questionnaires and lecture notes in PowerPoint presentations on various areas of law and especially Business Law, prepared by the author, by the author's students under her guidance and guests.
It also presents numerous Constitutions, Codes and Complementary Legislation in various areas of law. Regarding Constitutions, the Direito Brasil Portal contains all Brazilian Constitutions since the time of the Empire and also Foreign Constitutions, especially those of the United States of America, Italy, France, Portugal and Argentina. Regarding Codes, in addition to numerous Brazilian Codes, the Direito Brasil Portal makes available to users the Italian Civil Code.
Finally, it presents the Books published by the Author and Photos of events in which Professor MSc. Maria Bernadete Miranda was present, together with several authorities, students, family and friends.
Dear visitor, I tried to do my best to start you off on the right foot. The rest is up to you. After all... “life is what happens while we make plans for the future (...)” Think about it!
In fact, “the impossible is the possible that has never been attempted”. Those who walk will reach it... Without effort there is no victory... “Happiness is having something to do, having something to love and something to hope for...” (Aristotle)

Prof. Maria Bernadete Miranda

Creator of the Brazilian Law Portal

Prof. Maria Bernadete Miranda

Maria Bernadete Miranda was born in the interior of São Paulo, and when she was still a baby, she settled in the state capital. In the city of São Paulo, she completed her primary, secondary and higher education, completing her teaching degree in 1970 and graduating in Law in 1985.

Under the guidance of Federal Judge Newton De Lucca, in 1993, he presented the dissertation “The Reorganization of the Company as the Main Objective of the Bankruptcy Proceedings” (Aspects that emerge from Positive Law, French Law and Brazilian Law) at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, before an Examining Board; obtaining the title of Master in Social Relations Law, in the sub-area of Commercial Law.

In 1994, he began his doctorate, also at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, visiting and conducting research at the Commercial Court of Paris and the Université Paris-Sorbonne. In 1996, he completed his studies and research at the University of Miami, in the State of Florida in the United States, where he had the honor and privilege of having his doctoral thesis on the theme “A Proposal for Updating the Real Estate Brokerage Contract”, catalogued and made available for consultation in The University of Miami Law Library Catalog.

In 2001, he visited and continued his research at the Library of Congress in Washington DC. In 2011, he was at the University of Hawai'i – Manoa in Honolulu. In 2014, he visited the Utah State Courts and the University of Utah where he developed research on the Digital Signature Law.

In 1995, he published his first book: Manual of Credit Titles; in 2005, the second, under the title New Bankruptcy Law (Comparatives and Comments); in 2006, the third: Theoretical and Practical Course on Credit Titles; in 2008, the fourth: Theoretical and Practical Course on Corporate Law; in 2010, the fifth: Theoretical and Practical Course on Business Law and in 2013, the sixth: Theoretical and Practical Course on Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration. He has published several articles in legal journals and on the web.

In 2000, he created his website called Direito Brasil Publicações, where he provides teaching material for students and those interested in the area.

In 2007, she created on her home page the Virtual Magazine Direito Brasil Publicações, ISSN 2176-3259, Qualis-Capes concept, a biannual periodical, prepared with the collection of scientific productions by Professor Maria Bernadete Miranda and guests.

He has taught higher education since 1992, at numerous universities in greater São Paulo and also in the interior of São Paulo.

She is currently a Professor of Business Law and a Lawyer, working in litigation, consultancy, preparation of opinions and lectures.

Lattes CV

Professional Activity

Maria Bernadete Miranda is a university professor and practicing lawyer, working in litigation, consulting,

preparation of opinions and lectures in the areas listed below.

Civil Law


Civil Liability;


Purchase and Sale of Real Estate;

Real Estate Documentation;

Regularization of Real Estate.

Business Law

Company Formation;

Industrial Property;

Electronic Commerce;

Corporate Law;

Incorporation, Merger and Split of Companies;

Groups of Companies;

Business Consortia;

Joint Ventures;

Business Contracts;

Credit Titles;

Bankruptcy and Business Recovery;

Consumer Law

Supplier Responsibility;

Misleading and Abusive Advertising;

Contractual Protection;

Consumer Law on the Internet;

Sections of the Brazilian Law Portal


Call for Papers

Volume 19, number 1 - 2025

Submit your studies for publication, we will be receiving the works until June 30, 2025 for analysis by the editorial board.

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Editorial Standards

Law Brazil Bookstore

On this page, the Direito Brasil Portal presents Books and E-Books published by Professor Maria Bernadete Miranda, containing a brief description of each work.

Send your work for cataloging, contact us viae-mail:

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On this page, the Direito Brasil Portal presents articles related to Business Law & Consumer Protection that are also available on the “Direito Brasil Publicações” Facebook page.

If you want to become a columnist for the “Direito Brasil Publicações” page, please contact us via email:

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