
Brazilian Law Publications

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On this page, the Direito Brasil Portal presents numerous Constitutions, Codes and Complementary Legislation from different areas of law.

The Direito Brasil Portal presents all Brazilian Constitutions since the time of the Empire and Foreign Constitutions, especially those of the United States of America, Italy, France, Portugal and Argentina.

In addition to numerous Brazilian Codes, the Direito Brasil Portal makes available to users The Italian Civil Code.

If you would like to become a contributor to the “Legislations” page, please contact us via email: mbernadetemiranda@gmail.com

“Such are the precepts of law: to live honestly, to offend no one, to give to each what is his due..."


Brazilian Law Publications

Maria Bernadete Miranda is a columnist on the Facebook page “Direito Brasil Publicações”.

Below is the link to the articles from Direito Brasil Publicações. Take the opportunity to read, learn and apply the teachings. Reading is a great act, because it broadens your horizons, increases your vocabulary and flexibility to argue.

Brazilian Constitutions
Constitution of the United States of Brazil, September 18, 1946.
Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, January 24, 1967.
Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, October 5, 1988.

Foreign Constitutions


Civil Law Conferences

Commercial Law Conferences

Civil Procedural Law and Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration Conferences

Brazilian Codes
Brazilian Civil Code - Law No. 10,406, of January 10, 2002.
Code of Civil Procedure - Law No. 5,869, of January 11, 1973.
National Tax Code - Law No. 5,172, of October 25, 1966.
Law introducing the Penal Code - Decree-Law No. 3,914 of 9 December 1941.
Law of Criminal Offenses - Decree-Law No. 3,688, of October 3, 1941.
Penal Code - Decree-Law No. 2,848, of December 7, 1940.
Code of Criminal Procedure - Decree-Law No. 3,689, of October 3, 1941.
Military Penal Code - Decree-Law No. 1,001, of October 21, 1969.
Code of Military Criminal Procedure - Decree-Law No. 1,002, of October 21, 1969.
Consumer Protection and Defense Code - Law No. 8,078, of September 11, 1990.
Brazilian Aeronautical Code - Law No. 7,565, of December 19, 1986.
Brazilian Traffic Code - Law No. 9,503, of September 23, 1997.
Electoral Code - Law No. 4,737, of July 15, 1965.
Forest Code - Law No. 4,771, of September 15, 1965.
Hunting Code - Law No. 5,197, of January 3, 1967.
Water Code - Decree No. 24,643, of July 10, 1934.
Mining Code - Decree-Law No. 227, of February 28, 1967.
Brazilian Telecommunications Code - Law No. 4,117, of August 27, 1962.
OAB Code of Ethics and Discipline - 1995.
Statute of the Bar - Law No. 8,906, of July 4, 1994.
Consolidation of Labor Laws - Decree-Law No. 5,452, of May 1, 1943.

Il Codice Civile Italiano - 1942.

48, of December 10, 1984 – Microenterprise Statute, regarding exemption from ICM and ISS.
105, of January 10, 2001 - Provides for the confidentiality of financial institutions' operations.
118, of February 9, 2005 - Amends provisions of the National Tax Code.
123, of December 14, 2006 - Institutes the National Statute of Micro and Small Businesses.

4,594, of December 29, 1964 - Regulates the profession of insurance broker.
4,595, of December 31, 1964 - Provides for Monetary, Banking and Credit Policy and Institutions.
4,728, of July 14, 1065 - Regulates the capital market.
4,886, of December 9, 1965 - Regulates the activities of independent commercial representatives.
5,474, of July 18, 1968 – Provides for duplicates and other measures.
5,589, of July 3, 1970 - Use of Mechanical Stamp for Authentication of Titles or Certificates.
6,024, of March 13, 1974 - Intervention and extrajudicial liquidation of financial institutions.
6,099, of September 12, 1974 - Tax treatment of leasing transactions.
6,313, of December 16, 1975 - Provides for export credit titles and other measures.
6,385, of December 7, 1976 - Securities market and creates the Securities and Exchange Commission.
6,404, of December 15, 1976 - Provides for Joint Stock Companies.
6,530, of May 12, 1978 - Gives new regulations to the profession of Real Estate Broker.
6,729, of November 28, 1979 - Commercial concession of land motor vehicles.
6,840, of November 3, 1980 - Provides for commercial credit titles and other measures.
7,089, of March 23, 1983 - Charging of interest on arrears on a title whose maturity date falls on a holiday.
7,357, of September 2, 1985 – Provides for checks and other measures.
7,684, of December 2, 1988 - Establishes the conditions for issuing Mortgage Letters.
8,021, of April 12, 1990 - Institutes the cruzeiro, provides for the liquidity of financial assets.
8,078, of September 11, 1990 - Provides for consumer protection and other measures.
8,137, of December 28, 1990 – Crimes against the tax and economic order and consumer relations.
8,245, of October 18, 1991 - Provides for the lease of urban properties.
8,884, of June 11, 1994 - Transforms the Administrative Council for Economic Defense into an autonomous agency.
8,929, of August 22, 1994 - Institutes the Rural Product Certificate, and provides other measures.
8,934, of November 18, 1994 - Public Registry of Commercial Companies and Related Activities.
8,955, of December 15, 1994 - Provides for the business franchise contract (franchising).
9,021, of March 30, 1995 – Implementation of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense.
9,069, of June 29, 1995 - Real Plan and the National Monetary System.
9,138, of November 29, 1995 - Provides for rural credit, and other measures.
9,279, of May 14, 1996 - Regulates rights and obligations related to industrial property.
9,317, of December 5, 1996 - Tax regime for micro and small businesses.
9,432, of January 8, 1997 - Provides for the organization of water transport and other measures.
9,492, of September 10, 1997 - Protest of titles and other debt documents.
9,514, of November 20, 1997 - Real Estate Financing System and the fiduciary alienation of real estate.
9,841, of October 5, 1999 - Institutes the Statute of Microenterprises and Small Businesses.
10.101, of December 19, 2000 - Participation of workers in the company's profits or results.
10,185, of February 12, 2001 - Insurance companies in private health care plans.
10,192, of February 14, 2001 – Provides for complementary measures to the Real Plan.
10.194, of February 14, 2001 - Establishment of credit companies for microentrepreneurs.
10,198, of February 14, 2001 – Regulation and supervision of investment securities markets.
10,214, of March 27, 2001 - Chambers and providers of clearing and settlement services.
10.610, of December 20, 2002 - Participation of foreign capital in journalistic companies.
10,735, of September 11, 2003 - Credit operations for low-income populations and microentrepreneurs.
10,931, of August 2, 2004 - Real Estate Credit Note and Bank Credit Note.
10.962, of October 11, 2004 – Offer and display of prices of products and services for consumers.
10,973, of December 2, 2004 – Incentive for scientific and technological research in the productive environment.
11,076, of December 30, 2004 - Provides for the Agricultural Deposit Certificate – CDA.
03, of September 26, 1962 – Amends provisions of Decree No. 1,102, of November 21, 1903.

2,627, of September 26, 1940 - Provides for joint stock companies.
7,661, of June 21, 1945 - Provides for bankruptcy and concordat.
70, of November 21, 1966 – Provides for the mortgage bond and other measures.
167, of February 14, 1967 – Provides for rural credit titles and other measures.
261, of February 28, 1967 - Provides for capitalization companies and other measures.
305, of February 28, 1967 – Provides for the legalization of accounting books for commercial transactions.
413, of January 9, 1969 – Provides for industrial credit titles and other measures.
486, of February 3, 1969 - Provides for accounting and commercial books and other measures.
911, of October 1, 1969 - Procedural rules on fiduciary alienation.
2,321, of February 25, 1987 – Defense of public finances, temporary special administration regime.

1,102, of November 21, 1903 – Rules for the establishment of general warehouse companies.
2,044, of December 31, 1908 – Defines bill of exchange and promissory note and regulates exchange transactions.
3,708, of January 10, 1919 - Regulates the creation of limited liability companies.
21,981, of October 19, 1932 - Regulates the profession of Auctioneer in the territory of the Republic.
22,626, of April 7, 1933 - Provides for interest in contracts and other provisions.
56,903, of September 24, 1965 - Profession of Life and Capitalization Insurance broker.
57,595, of January 7, 1966 – Conventions for the adoption of a Uniform Law on checks.
57,663, of January 24, 1966 - Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes.
64,567, of May 22, 1969 – Bookkeeping and commercial books and other provisions.
81,871, of June 29, 1978 - Regulates the profession of Real Estate Broker.
1,602, of August 23, 1995 – Administrative procedures, relating to “antidumping” measures.
1,800, of January 30, 1996 - Public Registry of Commercial Companies and Related Activities.
2,181, of March 20, 1997 - Organization of the National Consumer Defense System - SNDC.
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